Thursday, December 28, 2017

Business is nothing without connections Networking Apps

Long gatherings can be stressing but you can’t miss on any because absence at one can decrease your chance to make a profit by one which someone else may just get without playing fair and square. Small business never made it to the big markets but they certainly constitute huge to the economy. In a market of massive competition allies are the only golden chance to survive and what happens if you connect and maintain a healthy relationship which has to be mutual. Since everything in this time is revolving around the mobile application development the connections to are building online of which most are made by the overseas partners. 

It takes a lifetime to get the right person in the right chair for all the right reasons and connections get you on board with such people. You may know it all but the other brain always has something new to share and a point of view that you might not have come across otherwise.

Let’s check out some business networking application

1. Shapr:
Inspiration is what aspires one to follow a certain path and its sometimes hard to get inspired by one and this application enables you to connect to at least  15 inspirational people per day which is like going to the candy shop for a mango bite and end up buying a bunch of all different sort of candies. So connections initiated on this networking application are moved offline if the right inspiration gets your head.

2. Bizzabo:
Networking just doesn’t mean to find your inspiration but to connect as well within the circle. It happens more often that even if you work in the same building for four to five years and you know the face of the person who takes the same lift every morning and you hardly know that person. This application is for the industry pioneering event management and is quite successful. The People’s choice award for the best event planning app has been given to this application for the past three years. This application lets you tour the entire event without actually walking all over the place where you can 

3. City Hour:
You are a small merchant with reasonable connections and want to take your business to next level in order to see it among top companies then this application is an excellent start for you. You don’t have to certainly roam around big cities to meet the right people. You may not realize it but there are people in your neighborhood who can have exclusive advice for your business interest.

4. One million cups:
One million cups application connects the local communities in order to boast the entrepreneurs around your location. You can just attend this gathering with not worrying about the meals and refreshments, the application can take care of it. All you got to do is showcase your entrepreneur skills and bring your point of view to a particular idea on the table. Now there is a possibility your advice might be supported by few other like-minded people and you can increase your business partnerships.

5. Clear bit Connect:
Clear bit is a backbone of data for many companies and jumping into the networking application zone definitely brings inside data which is not accessible on internet likewise. The application provides your business information as well as anyone’s business email in just certain clicks. This application can help built better strategies for your business interest after connecting to people’s on the table strategies.

6. Full Contact:
This application is more of an intra networking application and why is there a need for this is because the connections among people in the business need to coordinate ten times better than what they need to accelerate their business. This application somehow organizes your contacts and help the device to send the greetings every now and then just as a good gesture.

To Wrap up:

The texts alone doesn’t make mind-blowing business deals but the conversations do and the networking application is the place to start instead of waiting for days outside someone’s office just to have a little advice from their experience. Now, these applications may not be as fancy as other social networking sites but it brings together all the like-minded and you don’t have to make efforts to search one rather sit back and relax with your phone.

Also read: Micro-apps

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Few on-demand Laundry Service App Development Features you cannot Miss

Options such as on-demand laundry service applications come as a blessing to ease out the ever so complicated modern life. Today, all of us are practically running the cat race, each trying to beat the other in the hard-core competition. Investing the limited spare time in meeting household chores is definitely not a viable option for most of us. Top mobile application development companies come to our rescue through the unlimited on-demand service applications lined up in the app store waiting to serve our endless requirements at our convenience. 

The augmented demand for similar laundry-like services worldwide has triggered the grey cells of would-be entrepreneurs since the future of this sector seems quite promising. And, if you have to figure out how to maximize your business, then offer something which is in high demand amongst the users. Availing laundry services at affordable rates can never be ignored and your application can expect continuity in the handsome percentage of users for the applications.

However, landing up with just any application will definitely not be a solution you as a developer are seeking out. Certain statistical figures suggest that revenue drawn from laundry services is expected to rise to 8.90 million U.S. dollars by 2020.

So, there are certain must-have laundry service app development features which can never be ignored if there is the plan to build such an app.

Let’s figure out such factors:

The laundry mobile application is categorized into three sections-

·        Client/Customer Panel is the platform through which customers get in touch with laundry services through proper registration on the application.

·        Laundry/Staff Panel is managed by the owner of the application that comes with a login page as well.

·        Admin Panel forms the main server that handles the database and controls both the client as well as staff pages.

Now, we come down to the key features that make up such an effective laundry application.

ü Hassle free login page with minimal fields to be filled for registration for both staffs and clients to prevent a user from jumping away from the app.
ü GPS order tracker to aid both the customer as well as the owner to keep a trace on the status of the order and track what is being done to his/her clothes and when it will be delivered.
ü Well-defined services for sale must be clearly mentioned along with the price chargeable on each individual service.
ü Secured payment gateways such as incorporating e-wallets similar to Paytm into the application interface to either facilitate online payment methods or cash on delivery option.
ü Discounts and offers through notifications are nothing but different incentives offered to retain existing customers and grab few more. On-demand delivery app owners need to incur extra expense to market their service but such offers can pull in customers even though they do not need any service.
ü Automatic timer for booking reminder is helpful especially for those users who are forgetful by nature and the timer will remind them to hand over clothes for washing and deliver them when they need it.
ü Google map for navigation to help the service professional to aptly detect the customer’s location for picking up or delivering the laundry.
ü User feedback is a tool to keep up with user demand and understand if your app is lacking somewhere to please the users or not.

Time to wrap up  

The rising demand for such on-demand app services increases our dependency on mobile applications. But, defining apt application features can only guarantee long-term success. This goes without mentioning that your application will not fetch enough viewers if they fail to perform the basic task for which they have been designed in the first place. Hence figuring out the key features is a step forward towards writing the success of your application. Top-rated mobile application development companies such as Fluper houses the required experience to cater quality on-demand service through the inclusion of the required features in their developed laundry service applications. And, if you require similar assistance, then you know where to look for help. Otherwise, pay a visit to:


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Friday, December 15, 2017

Electronics is not going anywhere so might as well get along with it!!!

The software is the super hero in the market of technology and mobile applications are his attributes but it’s nothing without an electronics circuit to showcase its logic. The technology community has not just done well to commercialize by ios and android application development its codes but also coded for the next generation to get fascinated about the components, process and circuit designing. The application store is loaded with millions of apps and around 200 applications are available electronics diggers to explore without any  short circuit damage of the components although electronics deals below 5volts and mA current but safety comes first. 

Also read: Learning apps

Let’s learn what mobile app developers have to offer in electronics

ü Electronics Toolkit:

    In electronics the first practical is to find the unmeasured values of the components using the measuring meters to determine the manufactures values. This application helps calculate the unknown values and has features like color coding for resistors, ohm’s law, serial and parallel combinations of inductors, resistors and capacitors. The component learning and implementation can be learned best through this medium.

ü Every Circuit:

    The invention of Bipolar Junction transistors is so far the best component made out of silicon. Components make a circuit and in order to perform the logics and arithmetic’s these circuits’ needs to communicate with one another. This application helps do that the flow of current in the circuit and voltage drop across the components can be tracked through the colorful waveforms. For example: the student learned about the rectifier today and he knows that the negative cycle  of the sine wave is vanished and direct current is obtained but how can he believe that? Compiling the components in this application and watching the waveform can provide a clearer picture of the concepts taught in class.

ü DroidTesla:
    All electronic books tell you to deal with linear circuits for error free results but electronic components are non-linear and the practical implementations as well. Droid Tesla is like SPICE tool which had the bread board screen and we could just pick and drop the components to form a circuit and analyze Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws .The application give that user experience to see the flow of current through different nodes and loops. It also has the ability to solve both linear and non-linear circuits.

ü  Electro droid:
    This application is a must have for an electronics engineer; it has everything right from the components to circuits till the Integrated circuit design. This application allows the developer to come up with his own small scale integration.

ü Datasheets:
         Now this is a very necessary application to keep track of what IC you are dealing with while soldering the components into the PCB, the learning and simulation through the above mentioned application will automatically generate a need to see a hardcore circuit that you designed even if it is a power supply circuit. For which you will require a datasheet which is like the data center of all the electronic components you might deal with.

To wrap up:

Electronics may be taught as separate field in the education than computing but they are interdependent. The hardware cannot gain attention with that black and green screen to perform tasks and codes can’t be just run on the blue screen. For real implementation they come together and do magical things like bring your ride outside your door and helps you discover your body readings through wearable app development etc. Learning electronics applications can be developers New Year’s resolution and code generation using frameworks can electronics designer’s as well.

For mobile learning apps contact @ FLUPER


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Monday, December 11, 2017

GUARD YOURSELF SMARTLY You don’t have to be necessarily rough and Tuff to Defend you

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Did you ever wonder we keep preparing for worst conditions well before but somehow every now and then we come across incidents never faced in the past? Yes, I am talking about the accidents which happen in a nickel of time which is not much to use your consciousness and precaution tips for the survival. The advancement of science has its pros and cons which is why every electrical and electronic device you buy comes with a safety manual that of course, we don’t care to read.

After an accident, the victim is only capable of calling for help. With smartphones kicking in, the emergency situations are easy to spot and save time to communicate for help. If we look at this way while driving if you are distracted by talking on the phone and meet with an accident but the same phone has your emergency contact. The Smartphone is now the cause and remedy for this type of accidents.  Coming down to the remedy of the smartphones the mobile app developers are really trying hard to solve emergency through applications in different possible situations.

Also read: Future of security applications

Let’s check out some emergency applications

 1.Medical ID
Medical ID is an application that enables you to make your medical profile where one can mention all the medical history such as allergies, blood group, medical contacts etc. The advantage of this application during an emergency is that it will allow a quick access to the medical issues for first aid and medical contacts. Even if there is a stranger near you, he can manage to get an appropriate help.

2. ICE standard
In case of an emergency application will technologically make tradition strategies for saving people advanced. It already uses the GPS technology to locate the victim and pin down the location for tracking purpose. The supporter at the emergency room can easily access a list of people to call, Insurance information, Primary doctors name and number, Allergies and medical conditions. This application supports multiple languages which are very necessary to communicate with the victim as all the country has people around the world nowadays.

3. Bugle
This application is a boon to all the adventure lovers application. For example, you are going for jogging or hiking and you have checked into your application and have set the time till when the activity you are performing is going to be completed. Now if you do not check back into the application after the set time is up, it automatically sends a message to people you have mentioned to call in case of emergency.

4. Kite string
This application is a friend of loneliness. Suppose you are walking by the road at night hours and it takes your current location and keeps tracking you all the time when you hit emergency when in a quite midnight machine, the application sends a confirmation message and in case you don’t respond then after some time it alerts the contacts mentioned before for emergency.

5. Red Panic button
This application is designed for unexpected emergency and preferred to use in real emergency situations. When you hit the red panic button it synchronous with the GPS and traces the location to send required help and informs the emergency contact person.

6. Siren GPS
This application is an up gradation to 911 emergency, the coordination with the cops and ambulance to reach the emergency location in minimum time is the phenomenon behind 911 emergency. 

This is another simple application to contact 911 in case of an emergency wherein you have to press the safe button. When you release the thumb just type a four-digit password failing to do so after the release of the button the emergency numbers will be notified.

8. Guardly Mobile
This application is for the victims of an abusive relationship; dating violence and even if you are not feeling safe. This application creates a safety group from your contact list and after configuration, you can use the application while walking home at night or health conditions such as Asthma Attack, Peanut energy. 

9. Disaster Alert
This application is for hazard alert application. The disaster can be quick and does not give the chance for emergency help. The application notifies the user if the location is going to be affected by the natural disaster.


The mini screens in the hand of every human being can turn out to be their lifeline in an emergency. The tech-savvy individuals can give a pat on their shoulder for being fascinating about the mobile application development and being aware of when to use which application. In case the emergency demands use of phone and you don’t know what to do when you are just a fool with an expensive gadget. The point here is aware of all the possible things you can do with your gadget and use it to groom yourself every day and to guard yourself smartly without learning the martial arts.

For such security applications for your emergency needs contact @ FLUPER


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Thursday, November 30, 2017

One Device for Two Mobile Operating System Experiences is Here!!!

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Every operating system developed so far has their pros and cons which distinguish them and let the user decide which one to opt for and rest is user experience. Some of us may choose one but want to use the feature of another operating system how can one do it?  In your desktop, you simply fragment your memory space and install both the operating system and switch to whatever is to be used which somehow degrades the performance of RAM but its okay because the task requires some of the features offered by one operating system and some by another.

Android is written on Linux and what if one could switch to Linux anywhere irrespective of the infrastructure required for it. Well, Samsung has introduced everyone to an android mobile application development; the application gives Linux like environment over your Smartphone.

What is Linux Galaxy App?

Linux on Galaxy app is the application by SEAP (Samsung enterprise alliance program) which enables mobile application developers to make use of Samsung phones for computing needs and prefer Linux distribution on their Smartphone by utilizing the same Linux kernel on which Android OS is built resulting in best performances.

Now, the main beneficiary of this application is Samsung galaxy users and Linux desktops, one can use it for mobile application development as well. Suppose a particular feature is not supported by your Android OS, the users can simply switch to Linux OS environment.

Linux on galaxy application is a developer’s asset, see how?

According to Samsung, the application will be capable of following features.

ü Enables the multiple OS to run on the single device.
ü The application can use Linux based desktop to connect using DeX docking station by Samsung, it is a device that allows the synchronize the mobile and the desktop for bigger screen experience.
ü The focused market for this application is application developers in the development world.
ü It enables the developers to code on the go and accesses the work from anywhere even on the bigger screen anywhere.

To conclude

Samsung has simply touched the developer’s world with this application. The application is still in trial phase but the idea of coding the application on your mini screen from anywhere is just too classy than the traditional workplace. Linux on Galaxy is good news for Linux lover android application developers but nothing can be said for the acceptance of the application as it is just limited to Samsung users. There can be a possibility that the application may increase the sale of Samsung devices among the developers but the non-Samsung users might never know if there is any such application the store.

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